
We are often humbled and inspired by the work happening within other organizations that promote data science across sectors. When appropriate, we partner with these groups to provide relevant programming to our community.

Improving Online Digital Inclusivity for Municipal Governments

Webinar Series with Interpersonal Frequency

In 2022 and 2023, the NCDS is delighted to partner with Interpersonal Frequency on a series of webinars designed to improve data literacy by providing a series of inclusivity strategies for local government employees.

Building an Inclusive and Transformative Data Strategy in Research and Community Engagement

Online Panel with the UNC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

As part of UNC-Chapel Hill Research Week 2022, the NCDS partnered with the UNC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research for the online panel, “Building an Inclusive and Transformative Data Strategy in Research and Community Engagement.”

Dr. Essie Torres, the Director of Strategy for Research Diversity Workforce and Community Partnerships at the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research moderated the event. Panelists Included:

View a recording of this event here.

Student-Centered Events

The NCDS often supports student-led events, such as Carolina Data Challenge, Womxn in Tech Week, and Pearl Hacks.